For those of you who have lived in the Reno, Nevada area all their lives know that the dry weather can take a toll on your beatiful landscaping upgrades and patio furniture. Heres how to keep your old pavers looking …
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Monthly Archives: April 2013
5 Common Lawn Diseases
Snowmold is most common to Kentucky Bluegrass and Fescues in regions where snow falls and sits on the lawn for extended periods of time The best prevention for snowmold is to aerate often. Improving water drainage, raking leaves off lawn’s …
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5 Most Commen Lawncare Mistakes
WATERING: Water is essential to all life . . . too little water and we die, too much and we drown. The same is true of the grass in our lawns. Water makes up 70% to 80% of the weight …
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Spring Time Sprinkler Tips
Water between midnight and sunrise from May to October to minimize water lost to evaporation. Monitor how many minutes you can run your sprinkler system before water starts to run off the property. Stop the run cycle at that point. …
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