Reno Maintenance : Pre-Emergent Herbicides and Weed Prevention

Reno Maintenance : Pre-emergent herbicides prevent the germination of seeds by inhibiting a key enzyme. Pre-emergent herbicides are applied to lawns in the spring and fall to prevent the germination of weed seeds. They will not affect plants. In order for a pre-emergent herbicide to be effective, it must be applied before the weed seed germinates. Pre-emergent herbicides are available on a granular fertilizer carrier and spread with a broadcast spreader, or in a spray form. Typically, either of these require watering-in or application ahead of a rain event.

Pre-emergent herbicides, often called crabgrass preventer, are applied to prevent crabgrass and other grassy weeds in turf. Crabgrass is by far the most common warm season grassy weed, others that are problematic in our area include goosegrass, dallisgrass and johnsongrass. Crabgrass germinates at a lower temperature than other warm season grassy weeds, meaning it will appear soonest in spring, germinating when the soil temperatures reach around 58 degrees Fahrenheit.

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