Like all weeds, the number one crabgrass prevention is maintaining a healthy lawn. Make sure that your beautiful grass is thick enough to cover your yard. Without sunlight reaching the soil, crabgrass can’t take root.
Crabgrass can be tough to prevent with the crazy weather in Reno Nevada constantly changing but don’t mow your grass too low as crabgrass will take advantage of the increased sunlight at dirt-level. Two and a half to three inches should be about right.
Try to remove crabgrass as soon as you see it. Crabgrass is so fertile that an innocuous appearance can quickly turn into a full-blown grass patch. Action Lawn & Landscape can help you with that if your not sure how to do this.
Mulch the soil after removing crabgrass. This helps ensure that whatever roots remain don’t take seed and ruin your lawn grass later. Remember, lawn replacement can be much more costly than a simple Pre-emergent application.
Give the area you are weeding plenty of water before removing the crabgrass. The dampness will loosen up the dirt and make removal easier. Though flooding the lawn can make for a big mess and potentially ruin your lawn so be careful. If you are unsure of how much water is OK, Action Lawn & Landscape crew members are trained in Crabgrass prevention and can answer your questions on the spot.
Make sure you get the entire root. Crabgrass is a tenacious weed. In the right conditions, its roots will grow wherever they touch soil.
Only use chemicals as a last resort. A herbicide that only kills crabgrass doesn’t exist, so other plants will always be vulnerable to chemical treatment. The key is preventative action.
Pre-emergent chemicals do help a great deal in preventing Crabgrass, but it can be hard for a homeowner to decide when is best to apply these preventive chemicals. If you apply them too early, their effects will fade, and the crabgrass might take hold later. If you apply the chemicals too late, the crabgrass may already be there.
Though it can be uncomfortable and seem pointless, remember to always use gloves to protect your hands when doing any type of gardening or handling chemicals. Even professional landscaping companies like Action Lawn & Landscape always keep themselves protected.