Help your lawn beat the heat this Summer!

Adjusting your watering times on a seasonal basis is crucial for maintaining a beautiful lawn. Remember, increasing the frequency of your watering is more effective than increasing the amount of water used at each scheduled time. Check with your local water authority to see what your watering days are to ensure you give your lawn the attention it needs to survive the heat this Summer. You may visit to review your assigned watering schedule.

Are you having problems with your existing irrigation system? Do you require the help of an Irrigation Specialist? Our certified Specialists can handle any irrigation problems you may be experiencing this season. Call us today at 775-323-7488 or email us at for a free estimate.
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Reno Landscaping Dethatching Tips from Action Lawn & Landscape

Reno Landscaping Thatching Tips: Like many plants, grass has a belowground root system topped by a living, aboveground shoot that’s green and growing. In between lies a layer known as thatch. Some thatch is natural and good for a lawn, …
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Maintenance in Reno: Knowing Your Weeds

Maintenance for your lawn and plants is all about timing.There are three types of common weeds that require maintenance: broadleaf, grass, and sedges. These weeds may have one of three basic life cycles: summer annual, winter annual or perennial. A …
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